Software Made for Drilling

Reliable Metrics.
Real-Time Analysis.
Better Decisions.

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illustration of a drilling rig in a mining and drilling fieldIllustration of a diamond drill rig in a mining and drilling fieldDump truck illustration in a mining and drilling fieldIllustration of field worker man wearing a hardhat looking at a mapIllustration of a man wearing a hardhat and examining core samples with a magnifying glass
Desktop computer image of KruxMetrix web app showing Corporate Overview dashboard visualizations
KruxLog mobile app with Daily Shift Report page
Helping Organizations

Journey from Data to Insight

Krux collects field data from multiple sources and provides a single source of truth for analytics and reporting. Our configurable dashboards provide you actionable insight and business intelligence for an enhanced understanding of your drilling and mining programs in a sustainable digitized ecosystem.

  • Unify Your Data.Simultaneous display multiple datasets to optimize cost control and drilling efforts.
  • Analyze For Insight. Plan and budget for each site or project across entire organization with built-in analytics.
  • Visualize For Understanding. Easy to use interactive tools to discover and innovate drilling program optimization.
  • Optimize For Action. Leverage data to improve decision-making for operational efficiencies.
Helping Organizations

Field Data Collection App

Field users can enter drilling activities, workers, equipment, timesheet details and documents from any device, whether online or offline and submit for approval to our online portal, KruxMetrix.

  • Submit Daily Shift Reports & Timesheets
  • Configurable to driller’s operation
  • Input and Track Activities, Workers, Equipment and Consumables
  • Multi-language capabilities
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KruxLog mobile app image with Add Worker page for daily shift reportsKruxLog mobile app with Daily Shift Report page
Image of our software page in Krux Metrix for a Daily Shift Report
KruxLog mobile app with Daily Shift Report page
Helping Organizations

Cloud-Based Platform made for Drilling

KruxMetrix is our secure cloud-based web portal designed for report and contract approval workflows, daily cost-tracking, digital documentation, payroll and invoicing. Configurable for both service providers and resource owners to optimize your operations.

  • Multi-Level Validation and Approval Processes. Approvals for both drilling project parties to ensure accurate tracking, invoicing, and reporting.
  • Aggregated viewsfor multiple business units or divisions. Centralized data access and business logic to ensure consistency and reliability of information for a single source of truth.
  • Configurable Options and Integrations. Optimized views for mining clients or drilling clients while seamlessly integrating with other software systems.
  • Performance and KPIs. Benchmark operational asset performance and KPIs for plans and budgets.
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Desktop web app image of Krux Metrix software for the Drill Detail page
Mobile app image of KruxLog software for the KruxDAQ console page for real-time drilling dashboard
Helping Organizations

Automation to Insight

Our new Pilot Product, KruxDAQ, delivers optimization of drilling operations through the collection, aggregation, and analysis of real-time instrumentation data.

  • Geological Knowledge. Instantaneous ROP is collected and can be correlated back to hole depth, bit type, water consumption, assay, lithology etc. for additional analysis and predictive models for geotechnical indications.
  • Carbon Footprint.Engine Monitoring and Gas Detection provide data for ESG reporting such as fuel and water consumption, and GHG emissions released during the drilling process.
  • Drilling Optimization. Real-time instrumentation datasets provide users the ability to predict items such as: required drilling energy, optimal drilling parameters, bit type, etc., by geography and rock type.
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Some of our Clients are


The ease of use and accuracy has increased production for Omineca Diamond Drilling tremendously, allowing us to improve time management and resource efficiency.  Our billing cycle preparation has been cut down by more than 50% and has had the same ripple effect on our customers.  Thank you so much for your continued support and we look forward to continuing our business with you well into the future.
-Omineca Diamond Drilling
The value Krux has brought us is being able to react in real-time because we now see an instant and continual budget, trend and consumption tracking. Our clients also benefit from the full transparency of reporting.
-Geotech Exploration
Implementing Krux gave us immediate clarity and insight into our current drill program and is helping shape our future programs. The Krux team has done an amazing making the roll-out across service providers and sites seamless
RTX is very happy with Krux – you and your team are great. We always say that this is how a SaaS solution should operate.
-Rio Tinto
A sophisticated system that provides a consistent, integrated, and real-time solution that includes data capture, advanced data analysis, project monitoring and corporate reporting.
It’s very user-friendly, and allows for easy tracking and editing capabilities.
-Priority Drilling
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